Unique Change and Personal Development:
Integrity and safety are two words that would clearly describe how we approach our work here at 'Unique Change'.
We are dedicated to providing a service and environment that individuals feel at ease and comfortable in, so that they can make the most from their time working with us.
Personal change and development of our potential is initiated and completed when a client can safely explore their own inner-psyche and issue, with the knowledge that their facilitator is fully qualifed and experienced in working with them.
We are open to all feedback and adjust our practices to suit the clients requirements. Please see our 'Mutual Commitments' page for more information on this and also our 'Term and Conditions' for details on our costs and confidentiality policy.
Thank you, we hope you find our services beneficial
If you have any ideas or thoughts about this website please contact us at: info@uniquechange.com.